Among the main recent arbitrations, seated in Brazil and abroad, administered by institutions such as CAM-CCBC, CIESP/FIESP, FGV, CAMARB, CAM-AMCHAM, ICC, LCIA and the Corte de Arbitraje de Madrid, we represented:
Sellers of equity interests in dispute related to the performance of the Quota Purchase Agreement and enforceability of obligations valued at 1 billion reais.
Israeli company in dispute related to a contract for the purchase and sale of electricity. The core of the dispute covered the interpretation of the take-or-pay clause, the occurrence of force majeure and changed circumstances.
Multinational pharmaceutical company involving distribution contract. The case covered complex civil law issues such as a non-indemnity clauses, force majeure, and the concept of loss of profits.
Brazilian construction company involving a FIDIC Yellow Book contract executed for the construction of a highway in Central America. The case involved complex engineering discussions and first demand bank guarantees worth more than US$ 200 million.
Brazilian construction company, in an arbitration seated in Miami, to discuss corporate contracts against an Israeli public company. With Florida Laws applicable to the merits, the dispute involved indepth analysis of the essence of joint ventures and of the configuration of contractual torts.
Brazilian construction company, in an arbitration seated in Paris, concerning a dispute involving the corporate governance of a joint venture and the financing of a complex engineering project in Chile, in the amount of US$ 680 million.
Brazilian company in a discussion related to the renovation of a football stadium used in the World Cup. The case involved corporate matters and complex engineering and technology issues.
US company against an international investment fund that sought the annulment of the multimillion dollar acquisition of equity interests, based on an alleged misconduct in the legal transaction and fraud.
Multinational insurance company to discuss coverage in a reinsurance contract. The case involves complex claims and insurance regulation in Performance Bonds.